Development of Safe and Supported

Safe and Supported reflects feedback from consultations and evaluation of the previous National Framework.

National Framework 2009-2020

Safe and Supported is the second National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.  

The Council of Australian Governments endorsed the first National Framework in April 2009. It was a long-term national approach to ensuring the safety and well-being of children. It aimed for a substantial and sustained reduction in levels of child abuse and neglect. The National Framework was implemented through 4 action plans.

Read about The National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009-2020(Opens external website) on the Trove website archive.

We commissioned evaluations of the National Framework, one mid-way and one at its end. These informed the second half of the National Framework. They also helped us develop Safe and Supported.

Consultation on Safe and Supported

Consultations also informed the development of Safe and Supported and the first action plans. They helped to identify how to better support vulnerable children and young people. They highlighted that how we work together is as important as what we do. 

Further consultations will take place over the life of Safe and Supported.

National Children’s Commissioner

The National Children’s Commissioner(Opens external website) in 2021 was Ms Anne Hollonds. She talked with children, young people and families. Their experiences and voices informed the first action plans.

Read the National Children’s Commissioner’s report, Keeping kids safe and well: your voices(Opens external website).

Online consultation 

We ran an online consultation in June and July 2021 to support the development of the first action plans.

Read the Implementing the successor plan to the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020 consultation report(Opens external website).

First Nations consultations

The National Voice for our Children (SNAICC) held national consultations(Opens external website). The consultations created a safe space for First Nations peoples to share their thoughts. These guided the co-design of Safe and Supported.  

Read the SNAICC National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031 successor plan consultation report (PDF)(Opens external website).

Learn more about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan and its implementation.

Families Australia

Families Australia(Opens external website) led national consultations on next steps for a National Framework. 

Read the Beyond 2020: Towards a successor plan for the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009 – 2020 final report on national consultation (PDF)(Opens external website)

The First Action Plan 2023-2026 was developed in consultation with the National Coalition on Child Safety and Wellbeing(Opens external website). The Coalition is convened by Families Australia. 

Learn more about the First Action Plan and its implementation(Opens external website).

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