Data sovereignty

Information on the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Support

About data sovereignty

Data sovereignty is about ownership of data. First Nations people have a right to collect and own the data about their communities, people, land and resources.

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Support (Centre for Excellence) aims to improve access to research and data for First Nations communities.

The Centre comes from Action 3 (Data Sovereignty) of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan 2023–2026. This Action Plan is part of Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2021–2031.

This work shows the Australian Government's commitment to the 4 Priority Reforms(Opens external website) in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap(Opens external website).

Centre for Excellence – Design Report 

SNAICC - National Voice for our Children designed what a Centre for Excellence would look like. Its design report aims to provide practical guidance for the Centre. It focuses on supporting First Nations communities and respecting their views and strengths.

SNAICC undertook extensive consultation with community leaders for the report. It reflects the voices of children, families and leaders. It stresses the importance of understanding and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander knowledge.

The report covers more than just child protection. It also considers other supports, based on the priorities of First Nations communities.

Centre for Excellence – Design Report

Centre for Excellence – Design Report cover
Centre for Excellence – Design Report
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Centre for Excellence – Design Report cover

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