About the Bali Lifetime Rehabilitation Assistance Package

Under the Bali Lifetime Rehabilitation Assistance Package, the Australian Government provides lifetime assistance for out-of-pocket expenses for rehabilitation care to eligible Australians injured in the 12 October 2002 and 1 October 2005 bombings in Bali. 

Assistance is delivered flexibly and focuses on the most appropriate care for each individual. This can include assistance to be more independent at home and in the community, including work and education, throughout their lifetime. 

Rehabilitation care is not intended to reimburse costs that are normally the responsibility of Commonwealth, state and territory or local government services and programs. 

Accessing assistance

To access assistance under the package, individuals are required to undertake a rehabilitation assessment with WorkFocus Australia. 

To contact WorkFocus Australia for any enquiries or to arrange an assessment: 

Other support

If you’re an Australian resident, you may be able to get help with reasonable health related out of pocket costs for acts of terrorism.  

Visit the Services Australia website to learn more about the Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme

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