Northern Territory reform

Information on the reforms from the Northern Territory Royal Commission.

Northern Territory Royal Commission 

On 28 July 2016, former Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, announced the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory (Royal Commission). 

The Royal Commission focused on systemic problems identified in the Northern Territory (NT). It looked at: 

  • how those problems arose 
  • the failure to identify and correct them 
  • appropriate reforms. 

On 17 November 2017, the Royal Commission released its Final Report(Opens external website). The report contains 147 findings and makes 227 recommendations. It outlines a long-term reform agenda for the NT’s child protection and youth justice systems. 

Of the 227 recommendations, 198 are matters for the NT Government. The NT Government manages and administers their child protection and youth justice systems. One recommendation is for the Northern, Central, Tiwi and Anindilyakwa Land Councils. 

The Australian Government released a response to the Report on 8 February 2018. The Australian Government has sole or joint responsibility for 28 recommendations. It supports, or supports in-principle, 26 of these.

Key reforms

There are key reforms based on these recommendations. 

Productivity Commission report

The Productivity Commission undertook a review of Commonwealth spending on children in the NT. They released the final report Expenditure on children in the Northern Territory(Opens external website) in April 2020. It recommends better collaboration between the Australian and NT Governments. 

The Australian Government released a response to the Final Report on 18 May 2021, supporting its recommendations in-principle.

Children and Families Tripartite Forum 

We are part of a 3-way partnership with the: 

  • NT community sector 
  • NT Government 
  • other Australian Government agencies. 

The Children and Families Tripartite Forum works to improve services for children, young people and families in the NT. It provides advice to guide and support reforms. 

Read more about the NT Children and Families Tripartite Forum(Opens external website)

The Tripartite Forum works to improve shared decision-making. The forum has developed: 

The Tripartite Forum also provided consultation on the NT Coordinated Investment Framework (CIF). 

These documents also support other national reforms to help children and families, including: 

10-Year Generational Strategy 

The 10-Year Generational Strategy sets out how governments, service providers and local communities can work together. It focuses on better service delivery and support for all children, young people and families in the NT. It gives communities more say in the support services they receive. It also helps align investment to the needs of these communities. 

Read the 10-Year Generational Strategy for Children and Families in the NT(Opens external website)

Planting the Seeds - Action Plan 1

Planting the Seeds – Action Plan 1 (2023-2025) is a 2-year plan that lays the foundations for implementing the Generational Strategy. It establishes a way of working that is driven by the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It builds on community strengths through community-led planning and approaches. 

Read Planting the Seeds - Action Plan 1(Opens external website)

Coordinated Investment Framework 

The NT Coordinated Investment Framework is an agreement between the Australian and NT Governments. It aims to improve the distribution and coordination of investment in children and family services in the NT. 

Read the NT Coordinated Investment Framework(Opens external website)

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