Safe and Supported implementation

Information on the actions underway to deliver Safe and Supported.

Action plans 

Safe and Supported aims to enhance the safety and wellbeing of children and young people across Australia. This will be through joint efforts between governments and non-government sectors. 

Two sets of action plans have been developed to implement Safe and Supported: 

  1. First Action Plan (for all children and young people) 
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan. 

These plans, launched on 31 January 2023, will be implemented from 2023 to 2026. They represent a unified commitment from all Australian governments to build stronger futures for children, with a focus on incorporating the voices of children, young people, and families throughout the implementation process.

First Action Plan 

The First Action Plan addresses the needs of all Australian children. It focuses on disadvantaged and vulnerable children and families. It was developed in consultation with the National Coalition on Child Safety and Wellbeing(Opens external website)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan 

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan focuses on achieving safety and wellbeing of First Nations children. It sets out how to reduce their overrepresentation in child protection systems. It was developed in partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Group. 

Promotional resources 

The key messages and social media tiles can be used and shared to help to raise awareness of the first action plans. 

Current activities

The following action plan activities are underway.

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