Other child protection initiatives
National Children’s Commissioner
The National Children’s Commissioner sits within the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). The ARHC is Australia's national independent statutory body dealing with human rights.
The National Children’s Commissioner handles the following:
- promoting the rights of children and young people
- ensuring children, including the most vulnerable, are heard at the national level through consultations
- encouraging public discussion of issues affecting children
- advocating for Commonwealth laws to improve and protect children's human rights.
There are also state and territory children's commissioners and guardians. The department works with the National Children’s Commissioner to consult children and young people.
National standards for out-of-home care
The National Standards for out-of-home care were developed under the first National Framework. They drive improvements in the quality of care. This ensures those in out-of-home care have the same opportunities as other children and young people. It aims to help them reach their potential in life, wherever they live in Australia.
Transitioning from out-of-home care
Transitioning from out-of-home care to Independence: A Nationally Consistent Approach to Planning outlines an approach to planning for young people leaving out-of-home care. It was endorsed by Commonwealth, State and Territory Community and Disability Services Ministers in October 2011.