Working together

We’re supporting government, communities, philanthropy and other key partners to build strong relationships and work together to tackle social issues.  

This work has a strong focus on intergenerational disadvantage and improving child and family wellbeing. It aims to help government and other stakeholders work closer with communities and impacted people through innovative funding, greater shared decision-making and community-led approaches.  

A Whole of Government Framework to Support Community Change

The Whole of Government Framework to Support Community Change explains how government can work more closely with communities to deliver better outcomes. It provides tools and resources to help government partner with communities and other stakeholders, support innovative funding solutions and improve how we use and share data to respond to community needs.  

Investment Dialogue for Australia's Children

The Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children is a 10-year partnership between the Australian Government and 20 philanthropic organisations to work together with communities to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and their families and reduce intergenerational disadvantage. By working together and drawing on the strengths of government, philanthropy and communities, the partnership is aligning efforts between government and philanthropy and building solutions that respond to local need in partnership with community. 

Read more about the Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children.  

Extension of Stronger Places, Stronger People

Stronger Places, Stronger People (SPSP) is a place-based partnership initiative facilitating community-led change to create better futures for children and their families. It provides an avenue not only for locally led social change, but also for government-led policy reform. The extension of SPSP for a further 5-year phase includes a greater focus on shared decision-making to support improved coordination and redesign of investments and services.  

Learn more about Stronger Places, Stronger People. 

Social Enterprise Development Initiative

The Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI) is helping social enterprises to be more efficient and effective and deliver social benefits to vulnerable Australians. It does this through providing capability building grants, online education and mentoring for social enterprises. 

Learn more about the Social Enterprise Development Initiative. 

Outcomes Fund

The Outcomes Fund provides an opportunity for the Commonwealth to work closely with state governments, service providers and social enterprises to address disadvantage. The Fund will make payments based on the delivery of agreed, measurable outcomes through specific projects. Focus areas of projects under the Fund include the needs of children and families, unemployment and homelessness.  

Learn more about the Commonwealth Outcomes Fund. 

Life Course Data Initiative 

This pilot project will test ways to improve community access to data. It will use a new longitudinal dataset to create statistics about experiences of disadvantage. The pilot will inform our understanding of disadvantage and responses to address disadvantage.  

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is leading this pilot.  

Together these projects form the Entrenched disadvantage package, announced in the 2023-24 budget.  

Supporting Projects

Partnerships for Local Action and Community Empowerment

Partnerships for Local Action and Community Empowerment (PLACE) is a not-for-profit, independent national entity that will support and promote place-based approaches to advance social and public welfare in Australia. It will support the uptake, use and strengthening of place-based approaches to empower communities, find local solutions and combat systemic and complex social problems like entrenched disadvantage. 

Learn more about PLACE 

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