About the strategy

Employ My Ability - Disability Employment Strategy

Employ My Ability, the Disability Employment Strategy, provides a guiding framework to increase employment outcomes for people with disability.
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Employ My Ability, the Disability Employment Strategy, provides a guiding framework for governments, employers and the broader community. It aims to increase employment outcomes for people with disability.

Increasing employment of people with disability has many benefits to employers and the community.

Our vision is for: 

inclusive workplace cultures where people with disability thrive in their careers

Employ My Ability has 4 priority areas:

Illustration showing a pin through a paper with the word's jobs on it.
Lifting employer engagement, capability and demand 
Illustration of a female figure in the middle of a winner's podium
Building employment skills, experience and confidence of young people with disability
Illustration of three busts of women in a circle of white dots linking them all..
Improving systems and services for job seekers and employers
Illustration of three busts of women.
Changing community attitudes

The following factsheets support Employ My Ability and encourage employer action:

Other formats of Employ My Ability and the factsheets, including language translations, Braille and Large Print Overlay can be requested free-of-charge from the department by emailing DEP@dss.gov.au.

Supporting the strategy

We encourage you to use the Employ My Ability branding to show your support and raise awareness of this important piece of work, for example, through your social media, websites and newsletters.

Social media tiles

Newsletter banners

Permission is not needed to use this brand and the following guidelines provide information on how the branding can be used. Stakeholder toolkits can be requested by emailing DEP@dss.gov.au.

Printed copies of Employ My Ability, and its factsheets, are also available free-of-charge to support promotion by emailing DEP@dss.gov.au.

Australia’s Disability Strategy

Employ My Ability is an Associated Plan of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (ADS) is a national framework that all Australian governments have signed up to. It sets out a plan for continuing to improve the lives of people with disability in Australia over 10 years.  

ADS includes a focus on employment for people with disability. This is through the Employment and Financial Security Outcome Area. Employ My Ability actions will be listed in the Strategy’s Employment and Community Attitudes Targeted Action Plans. We will report on implementation and outcomes. 

Read the strategy

Read Australia’s Disability Strategy on the Disability Gateway website. 


Employ My Ability has been informed by feedback from many stakeholders. This included:

  • people with disability
  • families and carers
  • advocacy organisations
  • peak bodies
  • employers
  • service providers.

Read about the consultation that informed Employ My Ability on the Disability Employment Strategy consultation page on DSS Engage.

Employer endorsement

Many organisations have committed to improving diversity by endorsing the Strategy.  

Email us at DEP@dss.gov.au if your organisation would like more information on endorsing Employ My Ability.

The following employers are demonstrating this by publicly endorsement: 


A collection of logos of companies that endorse Employ My Ability View image in full-screen

More information

Email us at DEP@dss.gov.au if you have any questions regarding Employ My Ability.  

Visit our Contact Us page for more ways to get in touch. 

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DSS2569 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2569