Child protection in Australia

Australian children and young people should:

  • grow up safe and supported
  • be free from harm and neglect
  • feel connected to their family, community and culture
  • have the right to grow up in an environment that helps them reach their full potential. 

We all need to work together to support children and young people. This is particularly important for the vulnerable and disadvantaged. 

State and territory governments are responsible for the care and protection of children experiencing, or at-risk of experiencing, abuse and neglect. Safe and Supported: the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031 (Safe and Supported) aims to reduce child abuse and neglect, and its inter-generational impacts. 

Safe and Supported aims to reduce the rate of child abuse and neglect and its impacts across generations. It is a framework for governments, community organisations and First Nations leaders to work together to achieve this. 

The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021–2031

The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021 2031
The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021–2031 was developed by the Australian Government, state and territory governments, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives and the non-government sector
Access this resource
The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021 2031

Supporting other initiatives

Safe and Supported links with other national initiatives to support change for Australian children, young people and families. This includes:

Safe and Supported supports the Closing the Gap Target 12(Opens external website). Target 12 aims to reduce over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by 45% by 2031.

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