Current vacancies
Search and apply for our current vacancies, register for temporary employment, or find out how to apply for our entry-level programs.
For each position listed you can:
- read details about the job vacancy
- find out the closing date
- start a new application
- access an existing application (that you have started and saved previously)
- preview your application
- submit your application.
Find out more about what we offer and applying to work with us.
Non-ongoing and temporary employment
Register your interest for non-ongoing or temporary employment on our temporary employment registers.
Entry-level programs
Our entry-level programs have a different application process. If you’re interested in applying, go to the program pages for information about when applications open and how to apply.
- Graduate Development Program
- Indigenous Australian Government Development Program (managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations)
- Ability Apprenticeship Program
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