How to apply

You need to apply for positions through our online recruitment system.

Register with our recruitment system 

If you’re using our online recruitment system for the first time, you will need to register. Follow these steps to register. 

  1. From the list of vacancies, find the position you’d like to apply for.
  2. Select Start New Application. 
  3. Select Begin at the bottom of the page. A login screen will display.
  4. Select click here to register.
  5. Enter your full name, email address and some other details. We recommend you use a personal email address. Select Save and next. 
  6. We will send an email to your email address to confirm your registration and create a password.  
  7. You can now log in and apply for any of our positions at any time.

Start your application 

To start your application, log in to our recruitment system. 

  1. Go to the list of vacancies
  2. Select Login at the top right-hand side of the page.
  3. Enter your login details.

Once you’ve logged in, find the job you want to apply for and select Start a new application. 

Write your application 

You need to provide the information requested in the advertised position. 

The statement of claims and selection criteria is an essential part of your application. It provides examples of your relevant skills, capabilities, experience and qualifications. 

Read our tips for writing your application. 

Edit your application 

You can edit your application by selecting Access existing application or by logging in. You can edit your application anytime until the application closes. 

Do not withdraw your application to make changes. You won’t be able to resubmit. Only withdraw your application if you no longer wish to apply for the job. 

Submit your application 

You can submit your application anytime until the application closes. Once you submit, you will get a confirmation email to your nominated email address. 

If we need to update you about the selection process, we will usually contact you by email. 

You can view your completed application or details of the job at any time by logging into your profile.  

Withdraw your application 

You can withdraw your application at any time by logging into your profile.  

If you choose to withdraw your application, we won’t consider you for the role. You won’t be able to resubmit for the position. 

If you need help 

If you have questions about the job and the progress of your application, contact the contact officer listed in the job advertisement.  

If you need help at any stage of the process, you may also contact the Recruitment Team. Call 1800 799 140 and select option 2. 

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