Our selection process

What to expect after you’ve applied for one of our positions.

About the process  

We are fair in our recruitment and selection processes. We recognise people’s merit, and this forms the primary basis for selection. We will assess you under the RecruitAbility Scheme if you have opted into the scheme. 

If you’ve applied for one of our APS or SES positions, there are 5 stages in our selection process.  

1. Assess applications 

After the application closes, we assess all written applications against the requirements of the job. Based on your response, we will consider if you have skills that can be transfer to the role. We will assess your: 

  • capabilities 
  • skills 
  • knowledge 
  • experience 
  • performance.

At the end of this process, we will have a shortlist of potentially suitable applicants. 

Shortlisted applicants may need to undergo further assessment for us to determine if you are suitable for the role. 

If you are not shortlisted, we will tell you by email, either at this point or at the end of the selection process. 

2. Assess shortlisted applicants 

We usually assess shortlisted applicants through one, or more, of the following methods: 

  • Interviews – this is the most common method 
  • Referee checks 
  • Work samples or written tests 

We may choose the successful applicant based on the written application and referee reports only. 

Inform the contact officer if you are planning to be away any time in the month after application closes. Provide alternative contact details if possible. We try to give candidates at least 2 days’ notice for an interview. Ensure you are available for an assessment activity from the advertised closing date. 

3. Interviews 

At interviews, we usually ask questions that are: 

  • based on the requirements of the role 
  • situational – what actions you would take based on a scenario 
  • example-based/behavioural – give examples from previous jobs that show your relevant skills or experience.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions about the job or the department. 

Visit the Australian Public Service Commission website for tips on preparing for interviews. 

4. Referee check 

When conducting referee checks, we ask questions to find out if you have the required skills and experience. We contact referees by email or phone. 

Make sure you have told your referees that we may contact them. 

5. Results 

After the successful applicant(s) have accepted the role, we contact all remaining applicants via email to let them know the result. 

If you have been offered a role – well done! We will contact you to begin the pre-employment process. Wait for a written offer from us before resigning from your current job. You will not receive a letter of offer until you have met all employment checks. 

If you haven’t been successful, don’t give up. Ask for feedback to improve future applications. 

We may place candidates who were suitable, but not offered the job, in a merit pool for future similar roles. This is at the discretion of the selection panel. 

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