Case Study 3 - Giving social impact a voice

This case study shows the social impact of Vanguard.

Sharing for greater impact 

This case study shows how and why Vanguard shared their outcome and impact measurement (OIM) reporting with the social impact investing (SII) sector. It follows how their commitment is embedded in their impact domains and how they hope to support the SII sector. 

In particular, the case study demonstrates the value of sharing their OIM reporting with: 

  • funders within the SII sector 
  • other social impact organisations 
  • industry bodies. 

You can also watch the Vanguard Laundry – Giving Social Impact a Voice video below or read the transcript. 

For more information, visit the Vanguard Laundry(Opens external website) website. 

Case Study 3 – Giving Social Impact a Voice

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