Case Study 1 - Changing the Cycle

This case study provides an overview of Vanguard’s operations and existing outcome and impact measurement (OIM).

Measuring for investment 

This study outlines how Vanguard’s early investment and focus on OIM enabled them to: 

  • develop a proof of concept 
  • tell the story of their impact, including attracting: 
  • funding 
  • interest from different audiences. 

Vanguard used evidence provided in their OMI reporting to plan their operational scaling. 

You can also watch the Vanguard Laundry – Changing the Cycle video below or read the transcript. 

For more information, visit the Vanguard Laundry(Opens in a new tab/window) website. 

Case Study 1 – Changing the Cycle

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Are you interested in how other organisations measure their outcomes and impact?

Introducing Vanguard Laundry Services. Vanguard is a social enterprise delivering commercial laundry services to Toowoomba and surrounding areas in Queensland.

Vanguard helps people with a lived experience of mental health by providing employment and career development support to help staff transition to other paid jobs within the community.

Vanguard partnered with the Centre for Social Impact on their approach to measuring their outcomes and impact. They have used this information to engage investors and to improve and grow their business.

To find out more about how Vanguard measures and reports their impact visit for a full case study.

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