Leaving Violence Program

Supporting victim-survivors to make choices about leaving violent intimate partner relationships.

About the Leaving Violence Program 

The Leaving Violence Program was announced on 1 May 2024. The Australian Government is investing $925.2 million over 5 years to establish the Leaving Violence Program to support victim-survivors to make choices about leaving violent intimate partner relationships.

The program will support eligible victim-survivors (regardless of gender or visa status) with financial support of up to $5,000 (including up to $1,500 in cash and the remaining funds in goods and services). Support will include safety planning, risk assessment and referrals to other essential services for up to 12 weeks.

The Leaving Violence Program will begin in mid-2025. A procurement process is underway to select a service provider with family, domestic and sexual violence experience.  

Information about the tender process is available on AusTender(Opens external website). Interested service providers can register to receive updates for new opportunities and planned procurements. 

The existing Escaping Violence Payment trial and the Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing Violence Pilot will continue through to 30 June 2025 while the Leaving Violence Program is established. Information on these programs is below.  

The Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) national trial 

The EVP trial supports eligible victim-survivors with up to $5,000 in financial assistance to leave a violent intimate partner relationship. The assistance includes up to $1,500 in cash and the remainder in goods, services and supports. 

The assistance can be used to pay bills, to relocate, buy furniture and appliances, counselling and seek legal services. The trial links victim-survivors to relevant supports through other Australian Government or state and territory funded services. 

To be eligible for the EVP, individuals (of any gender or identity) must be: 

  • an Australian citizen or permanent resident 
  • aged 18 years or older 
  • experiencing financial stress 
  • the victim of intimate partner violence that has resulted in a changed living arrangement in the last 12 weeks. 


The changed living arrangement can be: 

  • if the victim-survivor has had to move from the residence 
  • if the person using violence has moved or been excluded from the residence  
  • for a victim-survivor with a safety plan to leave the residence.  


The UnitingCare Network is delivering the EVP trial to individuals Australia-wide.  

An independent evaluation of the EVP was undertaken by Whereto Research Consultancy to review the effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of the trial. Read the Evaluation of the EVP trial

More information (Opens external website)

Visit the UnitingCare website for more information about the Escaping Violence Payment and to seek support.

The EVP Place-Based Trial 

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place-based trial of the EVP provides specialised and culturally appropriate support to victim-survivors of intimate partner violence in the Cairns region. This includes Cape York, the Torres Strait, and the Atherton Tablelands. 

The Remote Area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Care (RAATSICC) Advisory Association is delivering the Cairns place-based trial.  

More information (Opens external website)

Visit Escaping Violence Payment - RAATSICC for more information including how to apply.

Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing Violence Pilot 

The Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing Violence Pilot (TVP) supports eligible temporary visa holders experiencing family and domestic violence. The support includes up to $5,000 for goods and services, as well as access to legal support for migration and family law through 9 Women’s and Community Legal Centres. 

More information (Opens external website)

Visit the Australian Red Cross website for information about financial assistance for temporary visa holders.

More information 


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We are aware of unauthorised websites containing misleading and inaccurate information about the Escaping Violence Payment trial and the Leaving Violence Progra…
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