Beware of misleading websites
We are aware of unauthorised websites containing misleading and inaccurate information about the Escaping Violence Payment trial and the Leaving Violence Program. Some of these unauthorised websites may appear as search results through web browsers. Some of the websites have hyperlinked information about one-off $5,000 payments through the Leaving Violence Program.
You should not click on links from these websites or provide personal information that may put you at risk. This includes contact initiated through social media offering Escaping Violence Payment trial or the Leaving Violence Program payments, either from an unfamiliar account or from an existing ‘friend’ contact profile that has been taken over by a scammer.
Information about the Escaping Violence Payment trial or the Leaving Violence Program should only be obtained from trusted sources, such as this website, the UnitingCare Network(Opens external website), the Australian Red Cross(Opens external website) and Commonwealth funded Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Support Services.
If you are concerned about scam attempts in relation to the Escaping Violence Payment trial or the Leaving Violence Program, do not provide any personal or financial information. You can report it to the Department of Social Services by contacting
Further advice on scams is available from the National Anti-Scam Centre: Scamwatch(Opens external website).