Supporting childhood development

The Communities for Children Facilitating Partners program helps support early childhood development in disadvantaged communities.

About the Communities for Children Facilitating Partners program 

This program supports children and families in 52 disadvantaged communities across Australia. The program takes a whole-of community approach and focuses on providing services for early childhood development and wellbeing for children. This whole-of-community approach also has flow-on benefits to the broader community. 

Evidence shows that early intervention improves family relationships. It also improves parenting skills and the wellbeing of children. The program focuses on children from birth to 12 years but can include children up to 18 years and their families.  

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In each of the 52 communities a Facilitating Partner organisation works with other Community Partners to provide services in their area. 

Facilitating Partners 

Facilitating Partners work within communities. They work with other organisations to provide a holistic service system for children and families. The Facilitating Partners use evidence, local knowledge and experience to tailor services that will meet the needs of that community. This helps community partners to target support and engage with parents as early as possible.   

Community Partners 

A local committee chooses the Community Partners. Facilitating Partners provide funding to the Community Partners.  

Community Partners provide services such as: 

  • parenting support 
  • peer support 
  • case management 
  • home visits 
  • community events  
  • life skills courses.  

Activities may also support children and families affected by domestic and family violence. 

Program providers provide evidence-based practice and deliver proven services to achieve positive results for children and families. 

First Nations involvement 

The Stronger Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCO) Stronger Families Part 2 project strengthened partnerships between ACCOs and non-Indigenous organisations. Several service providers worked with the Wunan Foundation to improve First Nations involvement and outcomes in the activities they deliver.  

More information

Learn more about the Stronger Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCO) Stronger Families Part 2 project.


The Families and Children Activity funds this program through a grants process. 

Guidelines, plans and reporting 

Community Partners must follow a set of guidelines. Facilitating Partners must submit plans and progress reports on behalf of the community. 

The Families and Children Activity Outcomes Framework outlines the key outcomes funded programs and services need to achieve. 

Operational guidelines 

The operational guidelines help Community Partners work in a consistent, coordinated and cooperative way. The guidelines explain how to deliver services and provides answers to common questions. The guidelines also provide information about how to report critical incidents. 

Read the Operational Guidelines for Communities for Children Facilitation Partners. 

Community Strategic Plan 

Facilitating Partners must have a Community Strategic Plan. The plan sets out the long-term goals for the community during the grant period. 

The Community Strategic Plan template has guidance for Facilitating Partners to complete their plan.  

Download the Community Strategic Plan template. 

Activity Work Plans 

Facilitating Partners must submit Activity Work Plans. Activity Work Plans provide details about the activities and services that will be delivered over the upcoming one- or 2-year period. The activities listed in the Activity Work Plan must support the long-term goals identified in the Community Strategic Plan. The requirements are set out in the grant agreement. 

The Activity Work Plan guidance document and template helps service providers complete their plan. 

At the end of each period, Facilitating Partners submit a report. The report tracks the progress of the services in their Activity Work Plan. The report helps guide conversations between service providers and can inform future plans.  

The Activity Work Plan Report template provides guidance for Facilitating Partners to complete their reports. 

Download the Communities for Children Facilitating Partners Activity Work Plan Report template. 

Review point 

We review the performance of program providers. This helps check that grant activities are on track. It also identifies areas for improvement. The review allows us to work together for better outcomes for families and children. 

View the Review Point assessment criteria in the CfC FP Operational Guidelines. 

Critical incident reporting 

FaC Activity service providers must notify the department of critical incidents within 48 hours of the incident or within 48 hours of becoming aware of incidents. 

To notify the department, service providers should fill out the critical incident reporting template and email it to their Funding Arrangement Manager. Funding Arrangement Manager details are in the grant agreement.  

Download the Critical incident reporting template. 

Program resources 

These resources help Facilitating Partner and Community Partner providers. 

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