Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan action 2.4: Developing a framework for early childhood intervention

Reviewing best practice in early childhood intervention and developing a nationally consistent framework.

We are reviewing best practice in early childhood intervention and developing a best practice framework. We are working with the University of Melbourne and consortium partners to complete this activity.

The framework will support children with developmental concerns, delay or disability to have the best possible start in life. This project is part of the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031. 

The review includes stakeholder consultations to ensure the needs of parents, carers and the broader sector are considered and included in the framework. 

The framework will provide nationally consistent guidance on best practice in early childhood intervention. It will include resources to help service providers and families use the framework. 

These resources will be available in easy read versions, translated into many languages and tailored for different groups including parents and professionals. 

Members of the consortium  

Members of the consortium include University of Melbourne teams from: 


In partnership with leading and peak organisations: 

Register your interest

This project is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2025. 

The project team can be contacted at official-ecireview@unimelb.edu.au

To stay informed or to be consulted subscribe to the Official ECI Review Newsletter(Opens external website), managed by the University of Melbourne.

ECIA National Guidelines: Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention

National Guidelines Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention
ECIA National Guidelines: Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention
Access this resource
National Guidelines Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention

More information 

Learn more about how we are implementing other actions under the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan.

November 2024 update

What the project team has completed to date.
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