Early Childhood Intervention Services and Supports

Supporting children with disability or development concerns.

About early childhood supports 

We deliver a National Early Childhood Program to support children with disability or developmental concerns (the NECP).  

These services include: 

  • support for children 
  • support for parents and carers 
  • online information and resources through the Raising Children Network. 

We are also leading the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan to support Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31(Opens external website). 

Individualised support for children with disability or developmental delay may be available through the NDIS.

More information

National Early Childhood Program for Children with Disability and Developmental Concerns 

The National Early Childhood Program for Children with Disability and Developmental Concerns (NECP) supports young children (aged 0-8 years) with disability or developmental concerns and their parents and carers. 

We commissioned Whereto Research Based Consulting (Whereto) in 2021 to work with stakeholders on the development of the NECP.  

Whereto engaged approximately 600 stakeholders. This included parents and carers of young children with disability or developmental concerns, peak bodies and service providers. 

Read the Whereto co-design summary report for a summary of this co-design process.  

NECP services 

We provide funding for the NECP, which consists of support for children, support for parents and online information and resources. Services commenced in February 2023. 

Support for children 

Playconnect+ is funded under the ‘Support and connection for young children with disability or developmental concerns’ grant.  

It provides facilitated support, such as playgroups and music programs, to young children (aged 0-8 years) with disability or developmental concerns.  

This helps to increase children’s readiness for school and provides an opportunity for them to socialise in a supported and family-centred environment.  

Playconnect+ delivers face-to-face sessions in all states and territories during school terms. During school holidays, there are specific online and face-to-face activities.   

Visit the Playconnect+(Opens external website) website or contact the project coordinator at info@playconnectplus.com.au.  

Support for parents 

ENVISAGE-Families is funded under the ‘Support and connection for parents and carers of young children with disability or developmental concerns’ grant.  

It provides: 

  • facilitated workshops for parents and carers of young children (aged 0-8 years) with a newly identified disability or for whom there are developmental concerns  
  • opportunities for families early in their journey to access evidence-based information, family-focused strategies and peers with similar experiences  
  • 5 workshops facilitated by early child development professionals and parents with lived experience of raising children with developmental concerns 
  • at-home modules.  

ENVISAGE-Families delivers face-to-face sessions in all states and territories and includes the option of online workshops.  

Visit the Envisage(Opens external website) website or contact envisage@acu.edu.au. 

Online information and resources 

The Raising Children Network is funded under the NECP and provides online disability-specific resources to support parents, carers, professionals and the wider public who care for young children with a disability or developmental concerns. 

The website provides information about services and resources that can help families and carers maximise the day-to-day functioning of the family. 

Visit the Raising Children Network(Opens external website) for disability-specific information and developmental concerns content. 

Positive Partnerships 

The Australian Government Department of Education provides information to parents, carers and educators of school-aged autistic children. This information is based on research and accessed through workshops and other resources. 

Visit the Positive Partnerships(Opens external website) website for resources including: 

  • fact sheets
  • online learning modules 
  • information on upcoming workshops. 
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