Meeting Target 9a to improve housing
About Target 9a
Under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement), Target 9a aims to increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in appropriately sized (not overcrowded) housing to 88% by 2031.
National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness
From 1 July 2024, the National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (NASHH) provides $9.3 billion over 5 years to states and territories. Through the NASHH, the Australian, state and territory governments will work towards a common goal to:
- help people who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness
- support Australia’s social housing and homelessness services sectors to operate effectively
The commitments made under the National Agreement are reflected in the NASHH, including the need for shared decision-making.
Learn more about the NASHH.
Housing Policy Partnership
The Australian Government committed $9.2 million over 3 years from 22-23 to establish the Housing Policy Partnership. This includes resources to support the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association (NATSIHA) as co-chair and secretariat.
The partnership provides a forum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a genuine say in the design and delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing services. It establishes a joined-up partnership approach between all governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives to make shared decisions on housing policy issues.
Read more about the Housing Policy Partnership.
Housing Sector Strengthening Plan
To support the Australian Government’s commitment under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, in 2021-22, we worked with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Association (NATSIHA), the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), state and territory governments and Indigenous Coalition of Peak members to develop the Housing Sector Strengthening Plan (HSSP). This included consultation with the First Nations housing sector.
The HSSP aims to improve housing outcomes for First Nations peoples and build the capabilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled housing organisations through 14 key actions.
Read the Housing Sector Strengthening Plan.