Departmental contract listing

Twice a year the department publishes a list of contracts of a value $100,000 and greater.

Why we publish our contract list

To ensure compliance under the Senate Order 13(Opens in a new tab/window), the Department of Social Services is required to publish a list of contracts entered into with a total contract value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and that:

  • have not been fully performed as at 30 June 2024, or
  • have been entered into between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024

Most contracts in this list contain confidentiality provisions of a general nature, designed to protect the confidential information obtained or generated in carrying out the contract.

General clauses protect:

  • trade secrets
  • proprietary information
  • Commonwealth material
  • personal information.

The accountable authority of the Department of Social Services has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.

Department lists

Procurement contracts that comply with the Senate Order are available on the AusTender website(Opens in a new tab/window).

The list of grants contracts that comply with the Senate Order are available to view or download.

Access other agency lists

For details on other portfolio contract lists, visit the following websites.

Our compliance costs

The estimated cost of complying with the Senate Order for Department of Social Services was approximately $4,439. This includes staff wages for time spent on:

  • data collection
  • liaison
  • analysis and quality assurance
  • management.

General overhead costs are also included in this figure.

Contact us

For more information about our contract list, email

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