Showing 21 to 30 of 628 results
Improving Support for People with Disability: Key measures in Australia’s 2023–24 May Budget
Improving Support for People with Disability: Key measures in Australia’s 2023–24 May Budget The 2023–24 May Budget includes a number of measures dedicated to improving support for people with disability and delivering outcomes under Australia's Disability Strategy 2021–2031. Measures focus on boosting the workforce …
Summary of the Australian Government Response to the Disability Royal Commission
Summary of the Australian Government Response to the Disability Royal Commission The Australian Government: has primary or shared responsibility for 172 recommendations accepts or accepts in principle 130 recommendations is considering further 36 recommendations, and notes 6 recommendations. This Progress Update …
JobSeeker, Student Payments and Commonwealth Rent Assistance
JobSeeker, Student Payments and Commonwealth Rent Assistance As part of the Government’s $14.6 billion cost-of-living package The Government is investing around $7.6 billion over the forward estimates, which includes:. $4.9 billion to increase the rate of eligible working age and student payments by $40 per fortnight …
Grant outcome
Grant outcome Successful grant recipients were chosen following a detailed selection process by a Selection Advisory Panel (SAP). The SAP included First Nations people with experience leading or working in Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations, with multidisciplinary service systems, or with other relevant …
4. National Standards for Out of Home Care
… that every child or young person in care receives opportunities to develop at the same pace as children who are not living in Out of Home Care. 4.2 … the placement type does not fit into the above categories or is unknown. At this stage in development, the scope of the application of the National … factors, National Standards will be defined that are measurable, and set at the best-practice level, so that all jurisdictions are driving …
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) The Australian Government is delivering on its commitment to getting the NDIS back on track and rebuilding trust with participants, their families and carers. This Budget commits a total of approximately $910 million over five years to improve the effectiveness and delivery …
Transition – Phase 2
… to that of other young people. Most other young people still live at home until their early twenties and continue to receive social, practical, … Forbes and Inder (2006) surveyed 60 young people who had been in care for at least two years during their childhood, in Victoria. They found that 43 … of the core elements and responsibilities for the Transition Phase is at Attachment D1. … Evidence and theory suggest that the transition phase …
Continuing to deliver the National Redress Scheme: Key measures in Australia’s 2023–24 May Budget
Continuing to deliver the National Redress Scheme: Key measures in Australia’s 2023–24 May Budget Funding of $142.2 million over 5 years from 2023–24 will be provided to support the delivery of the National Redress Scheme (the Scheme), ensuring it continues to meet the needs of survivors. The investment will improve …
Consortium Advisory Group (CAG) foreword
Consortium Advisory Group (CAG) foreword Prepared by Professor Stephen Zubrick, CAG Chair and Dr Helen Rogers, FaHCSIA. In response to a request for tender from the Australian Government, the original proposal for the design, content and methods for the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children came together during …
Additional support for single parents
… changes will provide an additional safety net of financial support to at least 57,000 single principal carers including 52,000 women and around … changes will provide an additional safety net of financial support to at least 57,000 single principal carers including 52,000 women and around …