Reconnect services in Australian Capital Territory

Services to help prevent youth homelessness are available in the ACT.

Available services

Find a Reconnect service near you.

Service Name Service Address Service contact telephone Service website address 
Reconnect ACT 127 Phillip Avenue, 
WATSON, ACT, 2602 
02 6163 7600 Catholic Care(Opens in a new tab/window) 
Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation (Specialist Indigenous service) Erindale Business Park, 
2 Lansell Circuit, WANNIASSA, 
ACT, 2903 
02 6296 8900 Gugan Gulwan(Opens in a new tab/window) 
Multicultural Youth Service (Newly Arrived Youth Specialist) Level 2 
Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, 
180 London Circuit, CANBERRA ACT, 2601 
02 6100 4611 Multicultural Youth Services ACT(Opens in a new tab/window) 
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