Information about online gambling regulation

State and territory regulators license and regulate gambling.

Overarching legislation

The National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering helps protect people who gamble online. It applies to all licensed online wagering service providers. Some of the measures of the National Consumer Protection Framework are also delivered through the state and territory regulators.

Learn more about the Commonwealth’s rules and regulations for online gambling.

Stakeholder resources

Consistent gambling messaging
Providers are required to have the consistent gambling messaging included in all relevant promotional and advertising materials.
Staff training measure
Activity statements measure
Customer verification
Providers are required to verify a customer’s identity when they register for a new account and before they can place a bet.

State and territory regulations 

State and territory governments regulate ‘land-based gambling’ including poker machines, casinos and lotteries. The Commonwealth regulates and provides guidance on online gambling to states and territories.

The Australian Government, together with the state and territory governments, has implemented the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering, a suite of minimum consumer protections for people who gamble online.

National Framework measures are included in state and territory regulation requirements.

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