Mental health support for children

The Family Mental Health Support Services aims to improve mental health outcomes for children, young people and their families.

About Family Mental Health Support Services

Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS) provides early intervention support to children and young people at risk of mental illness. The service is provided with the support of their families and carers. It is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of the child and their family.

The Family Mental Health Support Service offers early intervention support for children, young people and their families, including:

  • assessment and identification of needs
  • help and home-based support
  • introduction to relevant services
  • counselling and therapy groups.

Immediate assistance is also available. This may include assessing what is needed and providing information, referrals and support.

The Family Mental Health Support Services also have community outreach services. This includes mental health education, community events and general group work in the community.


Family Mental Health Support Services is available for:

  • vulnerable children and families
  • young people and their families including those from diverse backgrounds
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • children and families in contact with the child protection system.

Family Mental Health Support Services will accept referrals of children and young people from any source. This may include self-referrals. You do not need a formal diagnosis of mental illness to apply. Referrals will be assessed to make sure the service is appropriate.

More information

Visit the DSS Grants Service Directory to find a service provider near you.


The Families and Children Activity funds this program through a grants process.

The current Family Mental Health Support Services providers are funded until 30 June 2026.

Guidelines, plans and reporting

Service providers must follow a set of guidelines. They must also submit plans and progress reports.

Operational Guidelines

The operational guidelines help providers work in a consistent, coordinated and cooperative way.

The guidelines explain how to deliver services and provides answers to common questions. The guidelines also provide information about how to report critical incidents.

Read the Operational Guidelines for Family Mental Health Support Services

Activity Work Plans

Family Mental Health Support Services providers must submit Activity Work Plans and reports. The requirements are set out in the grant agreement.

The Activity Work Plan guidance document and template helps providers complete their plan.

Review Point

We review the performance of program providers. This helps check that grant activities are on track. It also identifies areas for improvement. The review allows us to work together for better outcomes for families and children.

View the Review Point assessment criteria in the Operational Guidelines for Family Mental Health Support Services.

Critical incident reporting

FaC Activity service providers must notify the department of critical incidents within 48 hours of the incident or within 48 hours of becoming aware of incidents.

To notify the department, service providers should fill out the critical incident reporting template and email it to their Funding Arrangement Manager. Funding Arrangement Manager details are in the grant agreement.

Download the Incident Report Form at Appendix H of the Operational Guidelines (effective 1 July 2021).


These resources help Family Mental Health Support Services providers.

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