Carer Gateway: support for carers
About Carer Gateway
The Integrated Carer Support Service model, known as Carer Gateway(Opens external website), was designed based on evidence that shows the best way to support carers is to help them early in their caring role.
Carer Gateway supports carers with a range of tailored supports and services to help them manage their daily challenges, reduce stress and plan for the future(Opens external website). The services focus on providing carers with access to early-intervention, preventative and skill building supports to improve well-being and long-term outcomes.
Carer Gateway services and support for carers
Carer Gateway is an Australian Government initiative providing a range of free in-person, online and phone-based support and services to unpaid carers.
Carer Gateway was implemented in a two-phase approach, with the first phase implemented in July 2019 and the second from April 2020.
Phase one saw the introduction of new online and phone-based supports through the Carer Gateway website including free phone counselling, online peer support, self-guided coaching, and practical educational resources. These supports aim to improve carer wellbeing, skills and knowledge.
Phase two was the commencement of the Carer Gateway service providers that help carers with access to supports and services including:
- carer needs assessment and support planning
- in-person and phone-based counselling
- in-person peer support groups and coaching
- tailored support packages (including planned respite)
- emergency respite
- information and advice
- assistance with navigating relevant, local services available to carers through federal, state and local government and non-government providers, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and My Aged Care.
Carer Gateway service providers have shopfronts, service outlets and a mobile workforce to achieve service coverage across urban, regional and rural Australia.