Carer Adjustment Payment claims

We assess claims for the Carer Adjustment Payment on a case-by-case basis.

About the Carer Adjustment Payment

The Carer Adjustment Payment is a one-off ex-gratia payment providing financial assistance of up to $10,000 to families in exceptional circumstances where a child aged under seven years is diagnosed with a severe disability or severe medical condition and they do not qualify for any Government income support payments. 

Visit the Services Australia website to learn more about the Carer Adjustment Payment(Opens external website) 

Applying for Carer Adjustment Payment

Your claim must be lodged with Services Australia within 2 years from the date of diagnosis of a severe disability or severe medical condition following a catastrophic event. 

Visit the Services Australia website to find claim forms and how to apply for the Carer Adjustment Payment(Opens external website).

More information (Opens external website)

Visit the Services Australia website to find claim forms and how to apply for the Carer Adjustment Payment

Assessing a claim

We assess the claims received from Services Australia on a case-by-case basis. We consider families' individual circumstances.  

Carers will need to present their case by setting out their circumstances and the ways in which the family needs extra support and assistance during the adjustment period which is taken to be 12 months from a diagnosis. 

This may include disruptions to things like the carer's capacity to work and/or the care arrangements for the child or other children in the family and any financial impacts. 

Our assessors will provide a recommendation to a senior officer in our department. The recommendation will be considered, and a final determination made by a senior officer in our department. 

Read the Carer Adjustment Guidelines for more information.  

Requesting a review

Decisions can be reviewed. A request for review must be in writing within 13 weeks of the date of the original decision.  

Visit the Services Australia website to request a review(Opens external website) 

More information

Read the Carer Adjustment Guidelines for more information.  

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