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Showing 2151 to 2160 of 2235 results
6. Health and wellbeing
6. Health and wellbeing Good health and wellbeing is important for everyone. We want people with disability to have health outcomes as good as the rest of the community, to ensure they are able to enjoy long, healthy and productive lives. We want to make sure the health system can help achieve that goal. Outcome …
Reconnect and Newly Arrived Youth Support Service (NAYSS)
Reconnect and Newly Arrived Youth Support Service (NAYSS) The Reconnect program uses community based early intervention services to assist young people aged 12 to 18 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and their families. Reconnect assists young people to stabilise their living situation and improve …
What is Participatory Action Research?
What is Participatory Action Research? Reconnect and NAYSS use the Participatory Action Research model as a tool for reflective practice and continual service improvement. ‘Research’ simply means to find out – investigating an issue or issues you have noticed in your service. Action Research combines getting a better …
Why do Reconnect and NAYSS use Action Research?
Why do Reconnect and NAYSS use Action Research? The value of Action Research in early intervention programs, such as Reconnect and NAYSS, is its capacity to ask questions about how to achieve positive outcomes for participants, seek answers through work practices and then improve those practices on the basis of the …
Ethical issues
Ethical issues Sound ethics and good professional conduct form part of basic education and everyday practice in Reconnect and NAYSS and in Participatory Action Research. Ethical practice: assists workers to identify the values and principles which underpin their work provides a guide and standard for ethical conduct …
The use of questions in Action Research
The use of questions in Action Research Questions in Action Research help frame the purpose and aim for improvements in services. In other words, questions help to isolate what you are trying to change and what you are trying to improve or find out. Questions also assist in focussing actions. The questions that …
Stakeholders Who are stakeholders? A stakeholder is anyone who is part of the day-to-day business of the agency and may be affected by the practices or situations that are part of the Action Research. Most importantly, it includes the young people, their families and other people who are involved in early intervention …
The Action Research cycle
The Action Research cycle Cycles provide a useful way of thinking about and describing an Action Research process. Each cycle is made up of four phases - Observe, Reflect, Plan and Act. Observe Experience in Reconnect and NAYSS has shown that the observe phase is often the logical starting point for Action Research – …
The continuous Action Research spiral
The continuous Action Research spiral The Action Research cycle is used in your everyday work, for example, looking at what is happening, thinking about what is going on and making plans and acting on them. Researching a particular question usually involves going through a number of cycles. This allows practices and …
Documentation Forms of documentation Documentation is about capturing what is being done, how and why it is being done and who is involved in doing it. Given the complexity of client work and the other significant demands on workers and organisations, the ability to record and compile Action Research ‘on the run’ is …