Attachment B

Future development of measures

Continuous improvement of measures for the National Standards for out-of-home care is essential. As a starting point, the proposed list of items in the table below will be considered for further improvement/development for reporting beyond 2015.


Existing and proposed measures for development/improvement
Standard 1

1.1 The proportion of children and young people exiting out-of-home care during the year who had 1 or 2 placements, by length of time in continuous care preceding exit. (Existing but flagged for improvement)

1.2 The rate and number of children in out-of-home care who were the subject of child protection substantiation and the person believed responsible was living in the household providing out-of-home care.(Existing but flagged for improvement)

Safe reunification and/or permanency. (Proposed broad measure for development)

Standard 2Whether the child's view has been taken into account in case planning and the means by which this was done. (Proposed broad measure for development)
Standard 3

3.1 The proportion of Indigenous children and young people in out-of-home care placed with the child's extended family, with the child's Indigenous community or with other Indigenous people, by carer type. (Existing but flagged for improvement)

3.2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in decision making. (Proposed new measure)

Standard 4Relevant persons participated in care planning decisions, in particular family members and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives. (Proposed broad measure for development)
Standard 5

5.2 Comprehensive health assessment – specialist service. (Proposed new measure)

5.3 Identified health needs are attended to. (Proposed new measure)

Future measure to report on health outcomes. (Proposed broad measure for development)

Standard 6

6.1 Proportion of children and young people achieving national reading and numeracy benchmarks.(Existing but flagged for improvement)

6.2 The number and proportion of 3 and 4 year old children who participate in quality early childhood education and child care services.(Existing but flagged for improvement)

Standard 77.2 Youth employment (Proposed new measure)
Standard 9

9.1 The proportion of children and young people in out-of-home care who are placed with relatives and kin. (Existing but flagged for improvement)

9.4 Family contact plan. (Proposed new measure)

9.5 Sibling co-placement. (Proposed new measure)

Standard 10

Cultural support planning for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) children. (Proposed broad measure for development)

Children have life history records. (Proposed broad measure for development)

Standard 12

12.1 Number of foster carer households with a placement at 30 June, by number of foster children placed, and number of foster carer households with a placement during the year. (Existing but flagged for improvement)

12.4 Foster and kinship carer training. (Proposed new measure)

Capacity to report on the number of separate sibling groups placed within the same carer household. (Proposed broad measure for development)

Capacity to report comprehensive data about foster carer and kinship carer retention, pool size and attrition rates and reasons. (Proposed broad measure for development)

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