7 May 2024 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique
The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met on 7 May 2024. The meeting focused on the draft Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint (NFP Blueprint), its framing and the organising of key initiatives that have been identified through consultations undertaken to date.
Many suggestions were made in over 160 submissions received during the public consultation phase and a prioritised draft list actions has been prepared, which will be carefully considered by the BERG members to develop a clear and convincing plan for reform over the next ten years.
The draft NFP Blueprint is being developed for targeted consultations that will occur in June 2024. The Blueprint will include these actions for governments and the not-for-profit sector, providing an outline of them and the changes we expect to see as a result.
Email BERGSecretariat@dss.gov.au to contact the Blueprint Expert Reference Group Secretariat for more information.
The next Blueprint Expert Reference Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 11 June 2024.