7 March 2023 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique

The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met virtually for a second time on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 to discuss the continued role and approach the BERG will take in the drafting of the Development of the Not-for-Profit (NFP) Sector Development Blueprint (the Blueprint). 

BERG discussed key policy documents, including the Issues Paper and supporting Engagement Strategy. BERG agreed a division of responsibilities to achieve the required outcomes, including the development of a Risk Matrix. BERG emphasised the importance of engaging with diverse groups, including the most vulnerable, ensuring the Engagement Strategy is aligned with:  

  • National Agreement on Closing the Gap; 
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood Strategy 
  • The National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2021-2031.

BERG heard from the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, the Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP, noting the importance of charities to support vulnerable Australians and build social capital and connectedness in Australian communities, and the role of the Blueprint to capitalise on the strengths and experiences of charities to chart a path to a better connected Australia. 

BERG expressed its commitment to building advocacy and the importance of providing ongoing consultation with the sector following the development of this Blueprint. BERG noted the importance of engaging with diverse, regional and local communities, along with the large charity organisations, throughout the development of the Blueprint. 

The next BERG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 4 April 2023. 

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