6 June 2023 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique

The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met virtually on Tuesday, 6 June 2023 to continue discussions on the development of an Issues Paper that will form the basis for broader consultations on the development of a Not-for-Profit (NFP) Sector Development Blueprint. 

Discussions on the roles and responsibilities of the BERG and its expert advisor were progressed at the June meeting, with a commitment made that the BERG would continue to play a lead role in the drafting process. 

Agreement was also reached that the purpose of the Issues Paper will be to illicit responses through the consultation process to ensure the NFP Blueprint delivers on its objective of providing a strategic vision for the NFP and charities sectors. 

BERG is working towards the delivery of the Issues Paper in August 2023, followed by consultations in the fourth quarter of 2023. 

Recognising the significant opportunity provided by the NFP Blueprint to influence major sector reforms, BERG agreed to conducting targeted stakeholder engagement following the delivery of the Issues Paper to inform its development. 

The Productivity Commission continues to share updates on its Inquiry into Philanthropy given the strong linkages between the Inquiry and the NFP Blueprint. The Productivity Commission’s First Assistant Commissioner Anna Heaney attended the June BERG meeting and shared insights from the initial analysis of public submissions (the Public Inquiry closed on 5 May 2023). 

The next BERG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 4 July 2023. 

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