6 February 2024 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique
In considering the Not-for-Profit Sector Development Issues Blueprint Paper (the Paper), the Australian not-for-profit sector has an historically unique opportunity to engage with government in the spirit of mutual commitment and responsibility to create a future where the not-for-profit sector can be secure, responsive and effective for those who rely on the diverse range of sector activities. The sector has responded accordingly.
Meeting on 6 February 2024, the Blueprint Expert Reference Group was delighted with the significant interest shown across the Australian community in the Paper, with over 1275 downloads of the documents, and 163 submissions received from a diverse range of organisations and individuals during the public consultation period.
Taking on board the input provided through the public consultation process, the Blueprint Expert Reference Group explored the structural conditions needed for successful implementation of the Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint. Central to the Blueprint are likely to be priority reforms that facilitate systemic change as well as specific issues-focussed actions and recommendations. The design of the Blueprint will recognise the interlinking, often interdependent, actions required to bolster sector sustainability and embed future-looking reforms to cultivate a stronger not-for-profit sector over the next decade.
The Blueprint Expert Reference Group notes this is a complex process and one that requires a careful balance between the priorities of the sector and the practical considerations inherent in the design and implementation of the reforms themselves.
Further discussions will be held with Engagement Allies in early 2024 to continue exploring key options and possible solutions for a thriving sector over the next 10 years.
Targeted consultations planned for March and April 2024 will ensure key stakeholder groups have an opportunity to continue to guide the Blueprint. The forums will be advertised on DSS Engage(Opens in a new tab/window). The Blueprint Expert Reference Group encourages the broad array of stakeholders to continue to contribute to the development of the Blueprint.
Email BERGSecretariat@dss.gov.au to contact the Blueprint Expert Reference Group Secretariat for more information.
The next Blueprint Expert Reference Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 12 March 2024.