4 July 2023 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique

The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met virtually on Tuesday, 4 July 2023 to continue discussions on the development of an Issues Paper that will form the basis for broader consultation on the development of a Not-for-profit (NFP) Sector Development Blueprint. 

The BERG endorsed Professor Jo Barraket from the Melbourne Social Equity Institute as the Group’s Expert Advisor and welcomed her support with the development of the Issues Paper and Blueprint. 

BERG is finalising the timeframes for the delivery of the Blueprint to ensure it incorporates findings of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Philanthropy, due to be delivered in May 2024. 

BERG agreed the Blueprint should encompass a long-term aspirational vision for the NFP and charities sectors while providing a practical pathway for reaching this goal. 

BERG agreed that its consultative approach for the Blueprint will need to be broader than the community sector. There was endorsement by the BERG of roles and responsibilities to finalise the Issues Paper and Blueprint, with further consideration required to ensure clarity in regards to consultation responsibilities. 

The Productivity Commission continues to share updates on its Inquiry into Philanthropy given the strong linkages between the Inquiry and the NFP Blueprint. 

The next BERG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 1 August 2023. 

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