2 May 2023 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique
The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met virtually on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 to continue developing the Issues Paper as the basis for public consultation to inform a Not-for-Profit (NFP) Sector Development Blueprint.
The Productivity Commission’s Deputy Chair Alex Robson, Commissioner Julie Abramson, Associate Commissioner Krystian Seibert and First Assistant Commissioner Anna Heaney discussed with BERG members the connections between the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropy and the NFP Sector Development Blueprint. The Commissioners and BERG members will maintain close connections to share updates on the progress and emerging issues, given the strong linkages between the two processes.
BERG welcomed expert adviser Professor David Gilchrist, Director of the Centre for Public Value at the University of Western Australia. David brings over 30 years experience in and around the not-for-profit human and community services sector as well as the broader charities and not-for-profit sector. He has significant practical experience and has worked in commerce, government and the charitable sector prior to entering academia.
BERG acknowledged the new member, Mr Ian Hamm, a Yorta Yorta man who has extensive government and community sector experience. Ian is now devoting himself to improving the representation of Aboriginal people on boards and other high level governance. Ian will be officially welcomed at the next meeting.
To fully explore the issues and ideas in the eight key focus areas as listed in the Terms of Reference, the BERG has held three workshops to date, with another four to be held in early May. These discussions explore key issues in depth and also identify linkages with other sections of the proposed Issues Paper.
Recognising the significant opportunity to influence systemic change across the charity sector, BERG proposes to undertake active targeted stakeholder engagement to inform development of the Issues Paper. BERG will work towards public consultation in the third quarter of 2023.
BERG is committed to being inclusive and will consult in an accessible and culturally safe manner throughout this process.
The next BERG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 6 June 2023