12 March 2024 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group  - communique

Meeting on 12 March 2024, the Blueprint Expert Reference Group (Reference Group) discussed in detail the approach to delivering specific issues-focussed actions and recommendations that will feed into a Not for-profit Sector Development Blueprint (NFP Blueprint) that facilitates systemic change to cultivate a stronger not-for-profit sector over the next decade. 

The drafting of the NFP Blueprint has commenced and the Reference Group is now focussed on prioritising the suggested actions, with a focus on those that will enable foundational and enduring improvements to the sector. In prioritising actions, the Reference Group is focused on fidelity to not for-profit sector views expressed in the public submission phase and engaging with government in the spirit of mutual commitment and responsibility to create a future where the not for-profit sector can be secure, responsive and effective for those who rely on the diverse range of sector activities. 

The Reference Group notes the NFP Blueprint is much broader than the community sector. Discussions with Engagement Allies will continue in coming weeks to continue exploring key options and possible solutions for a thriving sector over the next 10 years. 

At this stage of developing a NFP Blueprint, it is vital that those with interests across the diverse not-for-profit sector continue providing input to the ongoing work of the Reference Group. 

The not-for-profit sector has a ‘once in a decade’ opportunity to provide recommended actions to government. The Reference Group is continuing to raise awareness of the NFP Blueprint and encourage conversations that support and promote the sector. Active support from the whole not-for-profit sector is needed as we build momentum towards delivery of the NFP Blueprint. 

Targeted consultations planned for May and early June 2024 will ensure key stakeholder groups have an opportunity to continue to guide the Blueprint. The forums will be advertised on DSS Engage(Opens in a new tab/window). The Reference Group encourages the broad array of stakeholders to continue to contribute to the development of the NFP Blueprint. 

Email BERGSecretariat@dss.gov.au to contact the Blueprint Expert Reference Group Secretariat for more information on the Blueprint.

The next Blueprint Expert Reference Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 16 April 2024. 

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