10 October 2023 meeting of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group - communique

The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met virtually on Tuesday, 10 October 2023. The NFP Blueprint Issues Paper is being finalised as the basis for broad consultation on the development of a Not-for-profit (NFP) Sector Development Blueprint. 

BERG is seeking the views of the broader community. The public consultation process is a chance for individuals and organisations to provide input to development of the NFP Blueprint. BERG members will host virtual consultations to provide further information on the NFP Sector Development Blueprint and how the community can contribute to this important policy process. 

BERG is delighted that a number of sector and content experts have agreed to be Engagement Allies and collaborate with BERG to support development of a 10 year strategic vision for the NFP sector. The following people have accepted the invitation to provide their expertise to the development of the NFP Blueprint: 

  • Emeritus Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes, OAM, Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, QUT 
  • Sue Woodward AM, Commissioner, Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) 
  • Dr Pia Treichel, Melbourne Climate Futures 
  • Glen Klatovsky, CEO of Climate Action Network Australia  
  • David Spriggs, CEO of Infoxchange 
  • Adrian Collette AM, CEO of Creative Australian Government  
  • Emeline Gaske, Assistant National Secretary, Australian Services Union 
  • Libby Ward-Christie, Director, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne 
  • Sam Rosevear, Executive Director, Policy, Government Relations and Research, Philanthropy Australia. 

The NFP Blueprint Issues Paper is expected to be released in late October/early November on DSS Engage(Opens in a new tab/window). Email BERGSecretariat@dss.gov.au to be notified when the public consultation begins.  

The next BERG meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 8 November 2023. 

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