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Showing 85 to 96 of 170 results

Disability Reform Ministerial Council Meeting – 3 November 2023

Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Ministers met on 3 November 2023 in Melbourne.

Help shape the future of the Not-for-Profit sector

The NFP Sector Development Blueprint issues paper is now available for feedback.

Department of Social Services 2022-23 Annual Report

The department’s 2022–23 Annual Report has been tabled in Parliament, and is now available to view.

Good Practice Guidelines for Engaging with People with Disability

New guidelines are now available to help governments and organisations effectively engage with people with disability.

One year anniversary of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032

National Plan to guide us toward a violence-free future.

The Home Equity Access Scheme for older Australians

The Scheme allows eligible older Australians to access the equity in their home or other Australian real estate through an Australian Government loan.

Have your say on the impacts of housing stress and homelessness in Australia

Join us for our final public webinar to help inform the development of the National Housing and Homelessness Plan.

Grant opportunity - Safe Places Inclusion Round

Grants to improve access to safe emergency accommodation for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence.

Have your say on ways to help strengthen the community sector

The stronger, more diverse and independent community sector Issues Paper is now available on the DSS Engage website for feedback.

New Action Plans to guide us towards a violence-free future for women and children

Today we release the First Action Plan, Outcomes Framework and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan.

Statement on historic income apportionment

The Commonwealth Ombudsman published a statement on the historic practice of income apportionment used by Services Australia.

Recognising Homelessness Week 2023

Raising awareness of homelessness in Australia and the importance of long-term housing solutions.

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