The Australian Government released the final report of the Independent Review into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS Review) in December 2023.

Recommendation 17 of the NDIS Review is for the Government to develop a new way of regulating NDIS providers and workers, which will:

  • improve how NDIS providers and workers are registered
  • ensure NDIS participants get safe and quality supports
  • give people with disability the right to choose, and have control over the supports and services they get.

The Government has set up an independent NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce. The Taskforce will give expert advice on a proposed new model for regulating NDIS providers and workers.

The proposed model includes a Provider Risk Framework (the Framework), which will:

  • assess the risk of supports and providers, to find which supports and services may need more oversight and regulation
  • clarify arrangements for participants who do not use a registered provider and directly employ support workers.

The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce is consulting with the disability community on the proposed new model and Framework. The Taskforce wants to hear from:

  • people with disability, their families and carers
  • NDIS providers
  • NDIS workers
  • disability support workers
  • disability advocates. 

Your views will help shape the Government’s response to the NDIS Review.

What you share will not affect the supports and services that you get.

Consultation closes on 28 April 2024.

More information

To have your say, go to DSS Engage(Opens in a new tab/window). Accessible resources are available, including Easy Read material.

For more information about the Taskforce, visit the NDIS Registration Taskforce webpage.

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