Budget 2022–23 includes a number of measures to improve the wellbeing of individuals and families in Australian communities.

Key measures include:

  • a $1.3 billion women’s safety package to implement the next National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children, including $30 million to provide national leadership on reducing the rate of child abuse and neglect and its intergenerational impacts
  • $1.5 billion to provide cost of living support to around 6 million eligible pensioners, welfare recipients, veterans and concession card holders
  • $10.5 million to build the long-term viability of the financial counselling sector
  • $25 million to boost emergency relief, food relief and financial counselling services in flood affected areas
  • $1.2 million to expand the Autism: What next?(Opens external website) website to provide more support for families in the first year after diagnosis
  • $249.1 million to support measures under the whole of Government Care and Support Workforce strategy
  • providing Rapid Antigen Tests to NDIS Supported Independent Living residents and workers.

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