Budget 2022–23
Find statements, media releases, fact sheets and other information from the 2022–23 Budgets.
2022–23 October Budget
Portfolio Budget Statements (2022–23 October)
Portfolio Budget Statements 2022–23 - Social Services
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2022–23
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2022–23 - Social Services
Minister’s media releases (2022–23 October)
The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP: Ensuring people living with disability have the support they need
The Hon Bill Shorten MP: Getting the NDIS back on track
The Hon Julie Collins MP: Helping more Australians into homes
Fact sheets (2022–23 October)
2022–23 March Budget
Portfolio Budget Statements (2022–23 March)
Portfolio Budget Statements 2022–23 - Social Services
Media releases 2022–23 March Budget
Fact sheets 2022–23 March Budget
Expansion of Autism: What Next? website
Making it easier for working pensioners to resume age pension
Supporting Jobseekers with Disability
Women's Safety (superseded – refer to 2022–23 October Budget)
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