If you have experienced or witnessed a person with disability being hurt, treated badly or neglected, you can report it to the National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline (the Hotline).

The Hotline is free, independent and confidential and available to anyone, including people with disability, their family members, friends and service providers.

It will work with you to find ways of dealing with what you have reported through information, support and referrals to other organisations.

The Hotline will also encourage you to seek advocacy support if needed.

It’s open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (AEDST), excluding Australian national public holidays.

We fund the Hotline.

You can view our new video about the Hotline below. We encourage you to share this video through your own channels.

The Hotline is not a crisis service. In case of life threatening situations call 000 for attendance by Ambulance, Fire or Police services. If you think a crime has been committed or is being committed, contact your local police.

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