People with disability under the age of 65 are sometimes not able to get age-appropriate accommodation and supports. They may be living in residential aged care, which may not be the right place for them.

The Australian Government has funded programs to help people with disability, under the age of 65, find age-appropriate accommodation and supports. The Government is working with Nous Group (Nous), a management consultancy, to evaluate these programs. We want to understand:

  • what worked well 
  • what could be done better in the future. 

The Government and Nous want to hear about your experiences with getting age-appropriate accommodation and support for:

  • yourself
  • a family member
  • someone you care for.

Your feedback will help inform future programs and initiatives.

How to have your say

You can have your say by taking part in:

  • an online survey, which will take 10 to 20 minutes to do 
  • a face-to-face or online interview, which will take 30 minutes to do
  • both the survey and interview.

The survey is open until 17 June 2024.

Register(Opens external website) to take part in the survey, an interview or both.

What you share is confidential. It will not affect the supports or services that you get from the Australian Government.

Who can take part

You can take part in the survey or an interview if you are under the age of 65 and one of these apply:

  • you are currently living in residential aged care
  • you are at risk of living in residential aged care
  • you have thought about living in residential aged care, but you were supported to find age-appropriate accommodation
  • you have lived in residential aged care and you were supported to move out to age-appropriate accommodation.

You can also take part if you are one of the following:

  • a family member of a person in one of the categories above 
  • a carer of a person in one of the categories above 
  • over the age of 65 and you lived in residential aged care before you turned 65.

Find out more

If you have questions about the survey or interview, please call Nous at 03 8602 6285 or email

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