Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program

Grants to build, remodel or purchase new emergency accommodation for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence.

Why we need safe accommodation

Family and domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness for women and children in Australia. Access to safe accommodation is fundamental to the immediate safety of women and children experiencing family and domestic violence.

Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program

The Australian Government is investing $172.6 million through the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program (Safe Places) to deliver emergency accommodation. Safe Places provides capital works grants to support the renovation, building or purchase of new crisis or emergency accommodation places for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence.

About Safe Places

Safe Places was established under the Fourth Action Plan(Opens external website) of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022(Opens external website). The Government invested $72.6 million over 2020-21 to 2024-25. Safe Places is funding 40 projects to deliver up to 781 new safe places to assist women and children experiencing family and domestic violence each year.

As part of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, the Australian Government committed $100 million over 5 years to continue funding under the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program. It will continue through the Safe Places Inclusion Round.

About the Safe Places Inclusion Round

The Safe Places Inclusion Round (Inclusion Round) focuses on providing specific accessible supports to meet the housing needs of:

  • First Nations women
  • women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • women and children with disability.

The Safe Places Inclusion Round will fund 19 new projects to deliver around 720 new safe places across Australia. This is through successful grant applications. Once completed, this will bring the total number of safe places to around 1,500 (including the first round of projects).

Find information for current Safe Places grant recipients.

More information can be found in the media releases(Opens external website) of the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP and the Hon Justine Elliot MP.


See updates for Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program 

Consultation for the Safe Places Inclusion Round

From November 2022 to June 2023, we undertook a range of consultation activities to inform the design of the Inclusion Round.
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