Data integration

Learn more about our data integration capabilities and services.

About data integration 

Data integration is the process of linking data from 2 or more sources at the individual or unit level (such as a person or business) to create a new integrated data asset. 

Integrated data assets enable insights not possible through analysis of the original datasets in isolation. They support our department to develop evidence-based policies and conduct thorough evaluations. 

We are an Accredited Data Service Provider (ADSP) under the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (DAT Act). As an ADSP, we have appropriate policies and procedures, systems, and security to integrate data appropriately whilst ensuring the safety and privacy of individuals and organisations.  

As an ADSP, we have capabilities to manage specialised data services. This includes de-identification and complex data integrations involving data from multiple government departments. 

When undertaking data integrations, we: 

  • ensure it is conducted for the delivery of government services, informing government policies and programs, or research and statistical analysis 
  • comply with relevant legislation, interagency agreements and information protocols 
  • undertake appropriate risk assessments, especially when dealing with personal information 
  • ensure appropriate governance requirements are in place before conducting data integration 
  • consider best practice approaches for safe handling of data such as functional separation 
  • apply appropriate quality assurance practices to ensure the integrity of integrated datasets 
  • permit as much public access to data as possible and lawful, while protecting the privacy and confidentiality of individuals and organisations. 

Contact us 

If you identify an opportunity to collaborate with the department on a data integration project, you can send your request via the website. 

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