Artificial intelligence (AI) transparency statement

DSS follows a whole of Australian Government approach to use AI safely and responsibly while embracing the opportunities AI provides.

The Department of Social Services (DSS) follows the Digital Transformation Agency's Policy for the responsible use of AI in government (DTA Policy) which sets out a whole of Australian Government approach to use AI safely and responsibly while embracing the opportunities AI provides. Transparency is key to earning public trust and is an important aim of the DTA Policy and broader APS Reforms.

DSS recognises the benefits arising from safe and responsible use of AI systems and is developing suitable governance and oversight to support future AI use and ensure alignment with the DTA Policy and other relevant policies and legislation.

Once these arrangements are settled, DSS will be conducting controlled AI trials with a view to enhancing and supporting workplace productivity within corporate and enabling functions and for policy analytics and insights.

Staff training on AI is a central consideration of the governance and oversight protocols being developed and will be rolled out throughout the year to support staff participating in the AI trials and AI capability across our workforce. All AI trials will be undertaken with appropriate governance and oversight arrangements in place.

DSS has appointed its Chief Information Officer (CIO) as its Accountable Official, consistent with the DTA Policy. The CIO is responsible for implementation of the DTA Policy and for leading on matters of AI within DSS. 

DSS keeps up to date with changes in the AI policy and governance environment and engages with whole-of-government capacity building to encourage APS-wide capability uplift over time. 

While DSS does not currently use AI, it is committed to ensuring compliance with applicable legislation and regulations, and that any future use of AI is undertaken safely and responsibly. DSS will ensure:

  • AI use is appropriately governed
  • our engagement with AI is confident, safe and responsible
  • risks are identified and managed
  • AI access and usage is monitored
  • measures are implemented to monitor the effectiveness of deployed AI systems, and
  • efforts are made to protect the public against negative impacts.

The DSS AI Transparency Statement will be reviewed and updated annually or when we make a significant change to our approach to AI. This AI Transparency Statement was updated on 26 February 2025.

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