Disability parking scheme

Australian Disability Parking Scheme helps eligible people park nearer to their destination.

About the Australian Disability Parking Scheme

The Australian Disability Parking Scheme (ADPS) includes an Australian Disability Parking Permit. It is recognised nationally. It also establishes nationally consistent eligibility criteria and national minimum parking concessions. This helps reduce the barriers for permit holders when travelling interstate. State and Territory Governments are responsible for the management of the ADPS.

Contact your state or territory authority about permit applications, cost, eligibility and use.

Using your permit

The Australian Disability Parking Permit has enhanced security features to help reduce the abuse of permits. It is recognised across Australia.

Permit holders can park in parking spaces showing the international symbol of access. You can receive concessions in most public parking spaces where the sign or meter shows specific time limits. For more information about permits, please contact the issuing agency in your area.

The national minimum standards for disability parking concessions give states and territories the flexibility to provide additional concessions to meet the needs of local permit holders. All disability parking permit holders will need to check the local rules for parking and obey all other road and parking conditions.

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