Quality assurance for Disability Employment Services

The quality assurance system for Disability Employment Services ensures providers meet national standards and people with disability are involved in the process.

About the quality assurance system 

The quality assurance system applies to Disability Employment Services who receive funding under the Disability Services and Inclusion Act 2023(Opens external website).

Disability Employment Services who receive funding are required to gain a certificate of compliance against the 6 National Standards for Disability Services. 

National Standards for Disability Services 

The National Standards for Disability Services help to promote and drive a nationally consistent approach to improving the quality of services. They focus on rights and outcomes for people with disability.  


The service promotes individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making and actively prevents abuse, harm, neglect, and violence. 

Participation and inclusion

The service works with individuals and families, friends, and carers to promote opportunities for meaningful participation and active inclusion in society.  

Individual outcomes

Services and supports are assessed, planned, delivered, and reviewed to build on individual strengths and enable individuals to reach their goals. 

Feedback and complaints

Regular feedback is sought and used to inform individual and organisation-wide service reviews and improvement. 

Service access

The service manages access, commencement and leaving a service in a transparent, fair, equal, and responsive way. 

Service management

The service has effective and accountable service management and leadership to maximise outcomes for individuals. 

Read the National Standards for Disability Services, also available in Easy Read and language translations. 


Organisations receiving funding as a Disability Employment Service must meet the requirements of the National Standards for Disability Services. Failure to do so may result in loss of funding.  

To obtain a certificate of compliance an independent third-party certification body undertakes a certification audit. Certification bodies are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ). We provide a contribution towards the costs of certification. 

Visit the JAS-ANZ website to learn about the requirements for accreditation in Human Services Part 1 and 3(Opens external website). 

New services need to register for certification before seeking approval for funding. They have 12 months to gain certification after funding approval. Services that lose certification need to regain certification before funding is considered.  

Certified services receive a Certificate of Compliance. This recognises that the organisation complies with the National Standards for Disability Services. Certified services participate in a surveillance audit within 12 to 24 months. Then 36 months after certification, services participate in a full recertification audit. 

  1. 1

    Submit a Notice of Intention to Obtain a Certificate of Compliance  

    Timeframe: Prior to funding approval 

    Milestone / notes: This step is only for new organisations that do not hold a certificate of compliance against the National Standards for Disability Services 

    Submit Notice of Intention to the department for approval 

    Resource - Notice of Intention (NoI).

  2. 2

    Start the process 

    Timeframe: No later than one month after funding is approved 

    Milestone / notes: Review your organisation’s structure, policy and procedures 
    Review contractual requirements 

    Resource: National Standards for Disability Services – Self Assessment Worksheets.

  3. 3

    Choose your certification body 

    Timeframe: No later than 3 months after your funding is approved 

    Milestone / notes: Select certification body, negotiate contract  

    Find out about the Accredited Certification Bodies.

  4. 4

    Conduct your internal audit  

    Timeframe: During the first 6 months after your funding is approved 

    Milestone / notes: Internal audit involving jobseekers/workers/service recipients 

    Resource: Supporting Documents for NSDS.

  5. 5

    Prepare your certification audit  

    Timeframe: On-site dates negotiated with certification body should be no later than 6 months after your funding is approved 

    Milestone / notes: Liaise with CB about audit activities, including sampling. Prepare job seeker/worker/service recipient involvement in audit.

  6. 6

    Participate in your certification audit  

    Timeframe: On-site dates negotiated with CB should be no later than 6 months after your funding is approved 

    Milestone / notes: Assist with streamlining audit activities. Use opportunities to ask questions, make comments on the audit findings in exit meeting.

  7. 7

    Take follow-up action if required  

    Timeframe: Address major nonconformities within 3 months and nonconformities within six months of assessment if identified. 

    Milestone / notes: Decision on certification must be made no later than 12 months after the date on which your funding is approved. Provide feedback to staff, Board, job seekers/workers/service recipients. If nonconformities are identified, undertake corrective action.

  8. 8

    Start 3-year funding cycle   

    a) prepare for first surveillance audit  

    Timeframe: Within 12 months of initial certification audit 

    Milestone / notes: Internal audit. Documentation on ongoing corrective action   

    b) prepare for second surveillance audit  

    Timeframe: Within 24 months of initial certification audit 

    Milestone / notes: Internal audit. Documentation on ongoing corrective action   

    c) re-negotiate contract with CB  

    Timeframe: Between 24 and 36 months of initial certification audit 

    Milestone / notes: Review certification body’s cost and quality of its work.  

    d) prepare for recertification audit  

    Timeframe: Within 36 months of initial certification audit 

    Milestone / notes: Internal audit. Documentation on ongoing corrective action.

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