National Panel of Assessors

Providers on the National Panel of Assessors undertake assessments to support people with disability in the workplace.

About the National Panel of Assessors 

The NPA program is a standing panel of independent assessment service providers who support the needs of people with disability in the workplace. 

The NPA program provides the following assessment services:  

  • Ongoing Support Assessments for DES participants who have achieved a 26-week employment outcome and are likely to need ongoing support to retain their job. 
  • Supported Wage System provides employers and eligible people with disability a reliable process of productivity-based wage assessment.  
  • Workplace Modifications Services assessments recommend modifications (such as equipment or assistive technology) that will assist people with disability to undertake their employment duties.  

View the list of current organisations that deliver NPA. 

Information for providers 

Operational information for NPA providers is available. 

Specialist disability employment program 

From 1 July 2025, in line with the new specialist disability employment program, NPA providers will continue to deliver assessment services. 

Read the National Panel of Assessors - Factsheet for more information on the program. 

Read more about the specialist disability employment program. 

National Panel of Assessors NSDS Audit Scheme 

The Human Services (HS) Scheme (Part 1)(Opens external website), including the Annexes, and this NPA Scheme (HS Scheme Part 7) together set down the requirements for undertaking audits against the National Standards of Disability Services (NSDS) for the NPA program. 

Read the National Panel of Assessors Scheme for more information. 

Self-assessment worksheet 

The National Standards for Disability Services self-assessment worksheet has been developed for NPA providers to assess their compliance with the NSDS. Developed in a template style, the worksheet lists each relevant standard and indicator of practice and provides space for providers to include examples of evidence that support compliance, together with any improvement actions that might need to be taken. 

Evidence guide 

The National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS) and their application in the National Panel of Assessors (NPA) Program - Evidence Guide is part of the NSDS Resource Package for the NPA Scheme. It aims to help NPA providers and Certifying Bodies to understand and apply the NSDS to the work of a NPA provider. 

Accredited certification bodies 

The following accredited organisations can undertake audits under the National Panel of Assessors National Standards for Disability Services Audit scheme. 

BSI Group Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd

Suite 2 Level 7 
15 Talavera Road 
Macquarie Park NSW 2113 
Free phone: 1300 730 134 
Free Fax: 1300 730 135 
BSI Group Australia and New Zealand website(Opens external website) 

Certification Partner Global (Australia) Pty Ltd 

(Formerly ISC Global) 
Suites 3 and 4 
2 Post Office Street 
Pymble NSW 2073 
Phone: 0400 555 428 
Certification Partner Global website(Opens external website) 

Global-Mark Pty Ltd 

Suite 4.07 
32 Delhi Road 
North Ryde NSW 2113 
Phone: 02 9886 0222 
Fax: 02 9886 0200 
Global-Mark Pty Limited(Opens external website) website 

HDAA Australia Pty Ltd

PO Box 365 
North Lakes QLD 4509 
Phone: 07 3491 6878 
Free Phone: 1800 601 696 
Fax: 07 3491 9897 
HDAA Australia Pty Ltd website(Opens external website) 

Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Certification Pty Limited 

PO Box 764 
Toowong DC QLD 4066 
Level 9, 39 Sherwood Road, Toowong QLD 4066 
Phone: 07 3844 2222 
Free Call: 1800 035 033 
Institute for Healthy Communities Australia website(Opens external website) 

Quantum Certification Services 

PO Box 1455 
Geelong VIC 3220 
Phone: 03 5229 1219 
Quantum Certification Services website(Opens external website) 

SAI Global 

Phone: 1300 360 314 
SAI Global website(Opens external website) 

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