About this resource

These guiding principles aim to ensure people with disability with high employment support needs have informed choice and control about their employment.

  1. People with disability have genuine choice and control, which meets their individual needs.
  2. People with disability have real options for employment, and a range of support options available to meet their employment goals.
  3. There is an expansion in the number and variety of workplaces that employ people with disability.
  4. People with disability have support to make informed decisions about their employment options.
  5. People with disability have the right to equal remuneration and associated conditions for work of equal value.
  6. People with disability are supported to regularly review their employment options, pathways, goals and outcomes.
  7. People with disability have the opportunity to develop their career by learning new skills and undertaking training on an ongoing basis.
  8. NDIS participants and providers, including ADEs, are supported to make full use of NDIS employment support funding to achieve their employment goals.
  9. All systems work together to support options and choice for employment (e.g. Disability Support Pension, DES, NDIS).
  10. Encourage all levels of government to support the supported employment sector to deliver on these principles.
  11. Seek wider community buy-in to support innovation, change attitudes and grow employment opportunities for people with high support needs.
  12. The human rights of people with disability are respected and treated with dignity and respect.

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Date published: 3 May 2023
Last updated: 30 Oct 2024

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DSS2004 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2004